Monday, 28 February 2011

Virtual Salon

Hello ladies,

Today i found a very interesting site for hairstyling, makeover and wardrobe.
All you have to do is go here:  and choose what do you want to change at your look. You can also upload your personal photo and see what best suits you:)


Sunday, 27 February 2011

Giveaway - 3 seturi de premii

Hello ladies,

Am gasit un giveaway foarte interesant si ma gandeam sa il postez aici, poate aveti noroc si castigati macar un set de premii.
Atentie mare: extragerea se va face pe 1 martie, asa ca grabiti-va!

si Giveaway-ul:

Giveaway with Mac products

I found today a cool giveaway with Mac products.
If you want to participate, just go to  and you will find more details there.
Don't miss this cool giveaway!

Giveaway Sigma brushes

Poti castiga pensule profesionale pt machiaj.
Nu rata ocazia, inscrierea pana pe 5 martie.
Pt mai multe detalii, click aici:

Pentru a vizualiza premiul, click aici: 
Puteti comanda produse la aceasta adresa: 

Bafta tuturor!

Great song and irresistible make-up

Coral, pink & violet

@ 22

Make-up de Revelion + accesorii

Halloween special make-up & accessories

Last summer

Abstract 1

Spring make-up